APC tokens and discounts at publishers

20 Aug 2024 Open Science

Authors of Masaryk University have the opportunity to use tokens and discounts for publishing in Open Access mode with selected publishers. Discounts were negotiated through the National Centre for Electronic Information Resources (CzechELib). In order to receive a token, the following conditions must be met. For publishers where the status is "unlimited", the instructions in the instructions for authors should be followed.

The following table shows the current status as of 1 August 2024.

Publisher Number of tokens Instructions for authors
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Unlimited Read more
American Chemical Society (ACS) Unlimited Read more
Cambridge University Press Unlimited Read more
Oxford University Press Unlimited Read more
Karger Unlimited Read more
Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Unlimited Read more
Sage Unlimited Read more
Springer 0 Read more
Wiley 7 Read more
Taylor & Francis 4 Read more
Emerald Publishing 2 Read more


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General conditions for obtaining a token

  • A research article will be published and registered in the Information Register of R&D results (RIV) under affiliation of Masaryk University
  • The principal / corresponding author is from MU, with MU affiliation
  • STM fields: limited to quartiles Q1-Q2 of the WoS (if the journal is not in the above WoS quartiles, the quartile will be determined according to Scopus); assessed through Article Influence Score / Scimago Journal Rank
  • HSS fields: limited to quartiles Q1–Q3 of the WoS (if the journal is not in the above WoS quartiles, the quartile will be determined according to Scopus); assessed through Article Influence Score / Scimago Journal Rank)
  • Exception - Taylor and Francis HSS + STM fields: limited to quartiles Q1-Q2 of the WoS, assessed through Article Influence Score. In case that the journal is not indexed in the WoS, Scopus limited to quartiles Q1-Q2 will be accepted
  • The APC is not covered by other sources, e.g. from a grant or funds of the economic unit concerned


  • Tokens are allocated according to the "First come, first served" rule.
  • The token is allocated after the acceptance of the article by the publisher
  • Dashboard administrators of contracted publishers are employees of the Open Science Department of the MU Institute of Computer Science, contact: openaccess@space.muni.cz

Web Open Science at MU Web CzechELib

If you have any questions, please contact us at openscience@sci.muni.cz.

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