Frequently Asked Questions

General Information


What is the opening time of the library and study rooms?

Monday – Thursday 8.00–18.00
Friday 8.00–15.00

Can I become a patron, even if I am not a student at the Faculty of Science?

Our library offers free registration for students, teachers and employees of Masaryk University. External users are charged a registration fee of CZK 300 (first year) and CZK 200 (each additional year).

Where and how can I register?

Active students and employees need not visit the library for registration, the only condition is to conclude to the MU Library Service Agreement at and hold a valid ISIC card/MU card/employee card.

External users get registered at the circulation desk on the ground floor with their ID card and/or Alumni card.

Library Orientation


What subjects are covered in the collection?

Ground floor (1. NP) – Relax zone, kitchenette, team study, cloakroom
First floor (2. NP) – Maths, Anthropology, Physics, Astrophysics and General collection
Second floor (3. NP) – Earth Sciences (Geology, Geography)

Chemistry, Biochemistry and Biology are covered in the collection of Library of the University Campus in Bohunice.

The remaining collections of Anthropology, Botany and Zoology are available in the sublibraries of the MU Faculty of Science.

What is the classification system?

Book spines are marked with call numbers. These consist of a code (indicating a particular subject) and the first four letters of the author’s surname, corporation or title itself, e.g. 558.11-BRÁZ. Call numbers of closed stacks items are different, e.g. I-5400, K-286. You can find the call number by seeing details of a particular title in the library catalogue. For more information see the Search Guides section.

What do the spot spine labels represent?

Red spot 🔴 books are in-house loans. These cannot be used but inside the library. It is however possible to borrow them overnight at closing time, or for the weekend if borrowed on Friday.
Green spot 🟢 books are Semester (3 months) loans. Further renewal is possible.
Non-labeled books are standard (1 month) loans. Further renewal is possible.



What is the due date of my loan?

Standard – no label, for a month, possible to renew twice
Semester – green label, for 3 months, possible to renew once
Week – no label, for 1 week, cannot be renewed
In-house – red label, possible to borrow overnight or for weekend
Long-term – primarily for teachers, staff and doctoral students; request via "Ask for a Loan" button in the catalogue

How can I recall a book and other documents?

All users can recall a book that is currently borrowed by another user by signing in to their account on the library catalogue website. Remember you cannot make a reservation of a book that is available in open stacks. Learn more...

How can I request a document from closed stacks?

Books and journals can be requested via Library Catalogue. If signed in, you can see “Place a Hold“ at items from the “ÚK Sklad“ collection. Click on “Place a Hold“, fill in a simple form and submit your request. Document will be ready for you within 90 minutes at the circulation desk on the ground floor. You will receive an email when the document is ready.

What happens if my books are overdue?

If your books are overdue, you need to pay a fine. Standard and semester loans are charged CZK 5 per day and item. In-house loans are charged CZK 10 per hour and item.

Library Catalogue


How do I sign in to my library account? How do I search the library catalogue?

Library Catalogue comprises records of all MU faculties’ collections, including ours. Search the catalogue here:
For more information on login, account, searching or requesting documents, see the section Borrow, Renew and Return.
Check our guides for searching documents in the library or see search tips directly on the catalogue site.

What does “long term loan“ mean?

Long term loans are intended for teachers. If you desire a long term loan, ask a librarian at the circulation desk for details.

Interlibrary Loan Service


What is ILL/IILL?

ILL = Interlibrary Loan Service
IILL = International Interlibrary Loan Service
If you cannot find your desired document in the Library Catalogue or in any of the catalogues of libraries in Brno, we can supply it from elsewhere. The only condition is that you need to be a registered user of our library.

How do I order a document via ILL? Are there any fees? How long does it take to obtain a document?

Preferably via an electronic form, or via an e-mail to,or in person while in the library. It is possible to order books, copies of chapters from books or copies of articles from magazines or contributions from proceedings.

How long does it take to obtain the document?

Within 14 days from the Czech Republic.
Within a month from abroad.
Request status is reported by e-mail. Documents are delivered by means chosen in the order form. Pick-up point is at the circulation desk on the ground floor.

Is there is a charge for ILL service?

Loans from within the Czech Republic are usually free of charge, loans from abroad are CZK 300,-. A copy from within the CR is CZK 2,- a page + postal fee.
A copy from abroad (journal article, proceedings contribution, chapter from book) is CZK 100–200,- depending on volume.
Payments are accepted in cash or through cashless rebilling (employees only).

Printing in Central Library


How to print in the library?

In order to print you need to have an active SUPO account with a minimum deposit of CZK 50,-. Log in to a PC with your UČO and secondary password. Choose the “PRINT MU“ printer and submit your document to print. Attach your ISIC card to the printer reader, choose the document for print and push the “print“ button. Use printer on the first floor. More about printing here.

How much is it to print A4?

Black and white
A4 – CZK 1.50, double-sided CZK 2.80
A3 – CZK 3.00, double-sided CZK 5.80
A4 – CZK 8.00, double-sided CZK 15.80
A3 – CZK 16.00, double-sided CZK 31.80

It doesn’t work. What went wrong?

Common causes:

If the printer reports "Neznámý uživatel, neplatná karta" (“User unknown, non-valid card“), your SUPO account has not been activated or your ISIC balance is too low (a minimum of CZK 50 is required). You may top up your balance with the top-up machine on the ground floor.
You might have sent your print job to other than PRINT MU printer.
It may take some time to write large files to the printer queue. Wait a few moments or check your print jobs.

I am an external user. Can I print?

External users may ask a librarian at the circulation desk downstairs to print for them. Users are then charged according to the standard price list.

I can see no printers on my profile, only printing to PDF option is available. What can I do?

  1. Check whether your O Drive (O:) is not full
  2. Reboot the PC
  3. Try any other PC
  4. Seek help from a librarian

How do I cancel my print job?

You may cancel your print job right at the printer. Click on the print job and then press the “Bin“ icon. You may as well cancel your print job at Use your UCO and secondary password to log in.

I don’t have my ISIC on me, can I print?

If you do not have your ISIC on you, you can print using your PIN code. Generate your PIN at The PIN is valid for 24 hours.

Electronic Information Resources


What are MU Electronic Information Resources (EIR)?

EIR are information resources for science, research and education at MU. They are generally licensed resources for which MU pays the access fees. EIR are accessible only to the MU students and employees and are intended exclusively for academic purposes. Access EIR from computers connected to the MU computer network or via remote access.

Which EIR are accessible to me?

Find complete overview of MU EIR on Portal of electronic information resources. Browse EIR based on alphabetical order, faculties or subjects. Free-trials are a special offer (restricted access time – usually for 2–3 months).

How do I set up remote access, so that I can use EIR outside the faculty?

EIR are basically accessible only from the MU computer network. For connection from outside the university network (from home etc.), there are three types of remote access: VPN, EZ proxy, Shibboleth.

Details and instructions.

How do I know if a particular journal is accessible on-line?

To look up a certain journal, use Electronic journals portal (A-to-Z), accessible through EBSCO Discovery Service. Find more information on searching options on Electronic resources portal.

What is Discovery?

EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) allows a quick search of MU electronic information resources. The service works on basis of browsing Central Index which focuses on technical content – both metadata (including keywords) and full texts are indexed. A great variety of publishers’ productions is also comprised. The service offers tools that finds full texts to the search results. It also browses the library catalogue MU.

What is Full Text Finder?

The Full Text Finder service finds full texts within the MU electronic resources (especially bibliographic databases). The service currently runs in various databases, including EBSCO Discovery Service.

How do I seek help for EIR?

For any queries concerning EIR, please reach us at or contact a responsible person listed in a resource’s Additional information section on EIR Portal.

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