Habilitation and Professor Appointment Procedure

We would be pleased to assist you with the preparation of the annexes.

The library provides assistance with the preparation of annexes for the habilitation procedure or the procedure for the appointment of professors in the following scope:

  • Appendix 4 – The candidate fills out the entire annex, and the library checks the accuracy of the bibliographic citations in section v), correcting them according to the ISO 690 standard (it is possible to agree in advance on using a different citation standard).
  • Appendix 5 – The candidate fills out the annex from the heading Article published in another peer-reviewed journal (not listed in the above categories) until the end. The library checks the accuracy of citations according to the citation standard and adds publications (article, review, letter) from WoS and Scopus in section i), including the quartile based on the Article Influence Score from JCR or based on SJR in the case of publications listed only in Scopus, and marks the publications where the candidate is the corresponding author.
  • Appendix 6 – The library processes part A based on data from Web of Science and Scopus. In the case of a high number of citations, the annex will be processed by the Centre for Scientometric Support and Evaluation at MU in the form of a citation analysis.
  • Appendix 7 – The library prepares only the summary table based on the completed annexs 4 to 6. The candidate fills out the other required data in sections A to C of this annex by themselves.

Who is the service provided to?

The service is provided to academic staff of the Faculty of Science in Complex Kotlářská 2 for the purposes of their habilitation or professor appointment procedure.

When should the service be requested?

The annexes should be completed as close as possible to the date you will be submitting all the other supporting documents for your habilitation procedure or professor appointment procedure​.

How long does the processing of the annexes take?

Generating the citation analysis is not a fully automated process. Completing all the annexes takes two weeks depending on the number of your publications and citations. Our library will inform you about the date when we will start working on your annexes; this will depend on the number of previously received requests and the library staff availability.

Is the service charged?

The first analysis requested by our users, or an update of this analysis requested by a faculty department as a part of career development, is free of charge. An update to a citation analysis requested by the user costs 250 CZK per hour.

More information about the requirements of the Faculty of Science for initiating the procedure can be found on the Faculty’s website.

Habilitation and Professor Appointment Procedure at SCI

If you are from departments located on the University Campus at Bohunice, please contact MUCL with your request.

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