Wiley | Webinar Series

29 Feb 2024 Open Science

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We cordially invite you to a series of webinars organized by Wiley publishers, designed especially for authors of scientific articles in Open Access mode.

Register for webinars in which experts will discuss:

  • how open access can dramatically increase the reach and impact of your research
  • how to master the COUNTER tool for measuring and analysing how much your research is being used
  • how to harness the full potential of the Wiley Online Library, a treasure trove of scholarly research resources
  • how cutting-edge artificial intelligence is revolutionising the way you find and access information
  • how peer review empowers your research through expert feedback and rigorous evaluation.




6 March | 4PM
The Open Access Advantage: How Open Access Improves Your Impact

24 April | 4PM
Insights Unveiled: Mastering COUNTER Compliance and Usage Reports - 
A session for Administrators and Librarians

17 April | 4PM
Unlocking the Value of Wiley Scientific Journals: Making the Most out of Wiley Online Library

9 May | 4PM
How Generative AI Changes Information Discovery
23 May | 4PM
How Peer Review Makes You a Better Researcher

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